Deana Watson

I Plan the Workout. You Show Up.

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.

Making online training feel like you.

You are unique. No one on earth is identical to you. No one's life matches yours. Your fitness journey should reflect that. We all have a vision in our head of the reality we want for ourselves. Canned programs won't get you there. I can help you achieve your goals with a program tailor-made to you. Fitness is more than workouts. What you cook, what you eat, how you feel and how you sleep impact your success even more. I know it can feel overwhelming. If you can just believe it's possible, I can get you there. Together, we will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, on the road, or in the gym, I will be apart of making your vision reality. I will be there to celebrate your wins. We willl push through the setbacks together. I will check your form on video calls. We will adjust to those last-minute schedule changes life will inevitable throw at you. You CAN do this. Though you are unique, I promise you, the struggles you face in getting healthy are something so many can relate to. Success is not just possible, with a caring coach in your corner, it becomes probable. You CAN do this!

Your health coach is now in your pocket!

Tailor-Made Schedule

Transform your fitness progress with an exclusive program designed specifically for you. Your unique, tailor-made schedule will include workouts, food tracking, hydrating, video calls, as well as activity goals. Don't let this overwhelm you! It may sound like a lot, but you will be amazed at how functional it really is within your schedule. Not only that, making these apart of your routine will make all aspects of your life easier to navigate, just by being a healthier you everyday.

My Plans

Deana Watson

Health Coach and Personal Trainer

I get it. Life is crazy busy. My two amazing girls and wonderful husband remind me of that every day. Family, jobs, appointments, and so much more bombard our time and thoughts. I know what daily life does to work against your health and your ability to maintain it. Much of the struggle comes in just letting life have that power. When it comes to personal training, we need to deal with the mind, not just the body. Together, we'll transform what you believe about you and your everyday life, as well as how your body functions in it. You can't get to that healthy version of yourself if you keep believing in the opposite. If you don't believe in what's possible, what's possible won't become real. I can help. It's not about perfection. My frequent sugar cravings prove that! I am not perfect, so I don't expect you to be. I just expect you to show up. I plan the workout, you show up. That's the deal. Well, and maybe try to have a little fun doing it. Yes, it can actually be enjoyable! I should probably tell you my credentials. I have an Exercise Sports and Science Degree from Spring Arbor University. I am a certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach from American Council on Exercise. I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years. All of these are great reasons to trust me with your health journey. Even more so, though, trust me because I believe in giving you real, tangible tools, to change your life. Trust me because I've done the work to change my mindsets in my own life. I have been through some truly difficult health issues of my own, and what I believe about my future and the ways I fought for my mind through it are profound reasons I stand here healthy today. I do know it's hard, but I also know how immensely possible it is. And I know how truly capable you are. I want to help you made a change for life. I do this not just through instructing you, but through questions and through listening. We're in this together. Ready to get started? I sure am!

Deana Watson

Complete personalized fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Monthly Check-ins

Check-in with monthly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Jim, Jackson. MI

I was 360 lbs and out of shape. Deana talked to me about my goals and made a plan. We worked together for 10 months. I lost 122 lbs and then I did my first 5K. I was 55 years old at the time. She helped me meet all my goals.

Jim, Jackson. MI

I Plan the Workout. You Show Up.

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.